Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spring, I can almost smell you....

This is our frangipani tree which elegantly sits in our front yard. Every day I look at her closely to see if her leaves have decided it is warm enough to come out and play. When that happens, I know that spring is well and truly here - by far, my favourite season of the year. She's looking a little bare at the moment. But I know it's coming. I can smell it. It's just around the corner....and I welcome you with open arms.

Our pest, I mean, pet... Massimiliano Luigi (more commonly known as Max).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Golden Oldies

I must confess, I was listening to a golden oldie radio station in the car today and this song came on...

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love it...
a) because it makes me want to spin around on a dancefloor with a younger John Travolta (the man could move) and;
b) because it takes me back to the days of the drive-in.

Memories of being forced to lie on the floor covered by blankets as we drove by the ticket booth (my parents were trying to save some money). Memories of feeling excited at the fact that we were out, at night, wearing our pyjamas and robes. Memories of the smell of popcorn mixed in with the smell of our old (not so old back then) Holden. And memories of listening, for the first time, to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack (albeit whilst lying on the back seat, under the blanket and pretending to be asleep). I couldn't see a thing but I could hear the music and it has stayed with me for a very long time.

I showed my daughters the clip. They know the song as 'Four Legged Woman' thanks to their Dad's rendition  which has been sung to them once or twice before. They recognised Travolta from Grease. My youngest (a very funky 5 year old) wanted to see more. The girl can move and quite quickly picked up the line dance moves from the following clip.

Enjoy and I dare you not to want to get up and bust some Travolta moves.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mexican feast - burritos

Food. Our little lives revolve around it. Travel and food was what brought my husband and I together. If only our girls would love the variety of tastes and textures that we do...

But all hope is not lost for as they grow older (currently 5 and 7), their little taste buds are awakening to the magic that is flavour. No more bland, tasteless, boring meals. They are evolving ("Our taste buds keep changing Mum..that's why I like your cooking now. Well some of it." )

After a day of feasting on delicious hand-picked strawberries, we decided to have a bit of a Mexican fiesta at home. My husband and I were fortunate enough to live in Los Angeles for a few years and we became addicted to Mexican food. Our trips to Mexico were spent eating until we could fit no more. Heaven.

Upon our return to Australia, we tried for years to copy the flavours of Mexican 'carne asada' and never managed to get it right. Fortunately, I stumbled upon an already marinated mexican fajita meat at Woolworths and bang! Closest thing we have come to it. Not quite the same but pretty close.

And best of all, the girls love it.

Little fingers enjoying the wrapping.

Lettuce, beef, brown rice, cheese, salsa and tortillas.

My husband's favourite hot sauce.
Buen provecho!

Finding magic at home

I'm a gypsy at heart. I just know it. My first big adventure began when I was two years of age.Well, it was my parents' adventure and I went along for the ride. A massive one on a 747 from Santiago, Chile to Sydney, Australia. And there is not a day that has passed where I haven't felt ever-lasting gratitude to my parents for taking such a massive leap of faith.

The years passed and I continued to travel and move and adapt. And it has made me who I am today. A 39 year old with massive ants in my pants. Fortunately for me though, I managed to find someone else with intensely itchy feet. I grabbed on to him tightly and together, we have spent the last 10 years travelling, exploring and living a beautifully mobile life.

Two kids and 16 moves later, we are still itching. But we have found a place we love and are happy to call home. For now. Brisbane.

The years are passing quickly, as I am sure all of you have noticed and I have spent the last 20 or so years constantly planning the next move or trip. I decided it was finally time to stop and enjoy. Enjoy our current home, our life, our surrounds and the people we have met and come to love dearly since moving to this eternally sunny city. And whilst our feet continue to itch (although not as persistently as in the past), we want to make the most of now.

So this is our life, with our girls, our dog and our day-tripping and general adventures. Brisbane is such a fabulous place - I hope to inspire you to come and visit our little piece of heaven.

Ripe for the picking

Lounging around the house all weekend, whilst a nice treat on occasion, isn't our 'thing'. Exploration is. 

This weekend, we thought we would try something new - strawberry picking. And the taste? Juicy, sweet, divinely delicious would be an understatement. Heaven on a stalk is more like it.

We headed north to Rolin Farms - about a 40 minute drive from Brisbane's inner northern suburbs. Fabulous service, fabulous strawberries and fabulous fun. The girls had a blast. So did their oldies.

A very happy picker.

Fabulously helpful staff member at Rolin Farms

Rolin Farm - highly recommended. Just off the M1 north of Brisbane

Ready for weighing

I am a self-confessed jam-oholic. I had to look away after this shot .

Strawberry smile

Adding the final touch...the chocolate dipping sauce.